ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Interface Programmer's Guide

106 Glossary
SPAG Standards Promotion and
Applications Group; based in
Europe and working with COS on
the development and promotion of
conformance tests procedures for
OSI products.
TCP transmission control
protocol. A network protocol that
establishes and maintains
connections between nodes. TCP
is the transport protocol used in
ARPA networks. Internet protocol
(IP) addresses are used to identify
systems in an ARPA network.
Transport Layer Layer 4 of the
OSI model; provides end-to-end
data integrity between processes.
United Kingdom GOSIP The
United Kingdom defined set of OSI
standards which includes a specific
NSAP format.
wide area network a network
that covers a large area; can be as
large as the entire world.
X.25 an international networking
standard, developed by the
CCITT, for the connection of
computer equipment to packet
switching networks.
X.400 CCITT standard for
electronic message handling
systems (e.g., electronic mail) in
multivendor environments.
X.500 Directory Services An
international OSI standard for
distributed directory services for
multivendor OSI environments.
Directory Services refer to any
service which stores information
about people or things in the
world. The most common example
of a directory service is the phone
book produced by the telephone