ACSE/Presentation and ROSE Interface Programmer's Guide

Chapter 4 59
Programming Guide
5. Managing Multiple Connections
packets and is waiting for the release indication (A_RELEASE_IND)
while endpoint D is in AP_IDLE state waiting for the connection
indication (A_ASSOC_IND).
Figure 4-1 Multiple Connections Scenario
If the connections are using synchronous mode, a deadlock situation
occurs. Endpoint A is blocked until endpoint B receives a
A_ASSOC_CNF which will never happen, because the remote process
is servicing endpoint C which is waiting for A_RELEASE_REQ sent
by endpoint A and endpoint A is blocked.
On the other hand, using asynchronous mode, ap_rcv() will return
AP_AGAIN on communication endpoint B because there is no data to
process. It would not block the process, and the application can
continue to service the next connection. Communication endpoint A
would then be able to receive its last data packet and send a release
request (A_RELEASE_REQ) to endpoint C. Then C would be able to
process its release indication (A_RELEASE_IND) and reply
(A_RELEASE_RSP). Endpoint D would receive its connection
indication (A_ASSOC_IND) and so on.
For more information on how an application can handle synchronous and
asynchronous mode processing, see the section “Using Synchronous vs.
Asynchronous Mode.”.
Initiator Process Responder Process
servicing servicing
Conn B
Conn C
.waiting for
.sent all data packets
.waiting for
Conn A
.sent all data packets
.waiting for its turn
to receive its last
data packet before
it sends A_RELEASE_REQ
Conn D
.in IDLE state
.waiting for