SCSI Solutions White Paper - HP-UX

1.3 Futures
The industry has agreed due to various problems inherent in parallel bus technology that there
will be no progression of parallel SCSI beyond Ultra320. The parallel bus has inherent
electrical issues with the timing of the various bits being transferred in parallel (skew),
electromagnetic interference among the various parallel lines (crosstalk), and related issues
which become increasingly difficult to address at higher speeds. As a result the SCSI Trade
Association (STA) agreed that Ultra640 technology will not be pursued. Instead, serial
technologies such as SAS, SATA, Fibre Channel, and iSCSI will provide the next generation of
products beyond Ultra320 SCSI.
Note: SCSI technology continues to expand into the serial realm. pSCSI solutions will continue to be
provided and supported for years to come, and will overlap with the solutions that future SCSI technologies
For additional information on the SCSI Specifications and technology development, go to