WU-FTPD 2.6.1 Release Notes (September 2008)

Specifies the name of a mail server that accepts upload notifications for the FTP
daemon. You can use this option to notify any user of anonymous uploads.
incmail def@abc.com
Specifies the email addresses to be notified of anonymous uploads.
mailfrom ghi@abc.com
Specifies the senders email address for anonymous upload notifications.
You can configure timeout values used within the FTP daemon by using the
timeout options. Table 1-1 describes the FTP daemon timeout values.
Table 1-1 FTP Daemon timeout Options
The time period for which the daemon waits for an incoming (PASV-passive)
data connection. The default value is 120 seconds.
The time period the daemon waits before attempting to establish an outgoing
(PORT-port) data connection. The default value is 120 seconds. This affects the
actual connection attempt. The daemon makes several attempts at regular
intervals, sleeping between each attempt, before disconnecting. During the
120-minute timeframe, the daemon continues its attempt to establish a connection.
If the daemon fails to establish a connection during this time period, it disconnects.
The time period the daemon waits for some activity on the data connection. The
default value is 1200 seconds.
The time period the daemon waits for the next command. The default value is
900 seconds.
The maximum time period for which the daemon allows for the entire RFC 931
(AUTH/ident) conversation. The default value is 10 seconds.
The SITE IDLE command allows the remote client to establish a higher value for
the idle timeout. With the maxidle option in the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file,
you can override the value set with the SITE IDLE command. The default value
is 1200 seconds.
The timeout syntax is as follows:
timeout accept <seconds>
timeout connect <seconds>
timeout data <seconds>
timeout idle <seconds>
timeout maxidle <seconds>
timeout RFC931 <seconds>
Following are some examples for the timeout clause:
timeout idle 200
WU-FTPD 2.6.1 Features 17