HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update Guide, September 2009 (Update 5 Release)

Ignite-UX will consider available root disk space and adjust sizes to be larger.
The Ignite-UX UI File System tab can be used to set specific sizes.
If the default size for the /stand partition is too small for your environment, do not
use the lvextend command to increase the size of the /stand partition; doing so
may render your system unbootable. Instead, use a Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) clone
to create an inactive copy of the system on which /stand can be extended, or use
Ignite-UX recovery to create a recovery image and resize the /stand partition.
To use a DRD clone to extend /stand on an LVM-managed system, see “Dynamic
Root Disk: Quick Start and Best Practices” (at http://www.hp.com/go/drd, click Dynamic
Root Disk Web Site). Further information on DRD is available at the DRD website:
http://www.hp.com/go/drd. See also “Reducing downtime using Dynamic Root Disk”
(page 36).
You can boot from an Ignite-UX recovery image and resize /stand as you recover the
system. For help creating a recovery image, refer to Ignite-UX Administration Guide
available at the Ignite-UX website: http://docs.hp.com/en/IUX/.
Table 2-1 Minimum disk space recommendations
Recommended spacePartition/file system
1 GB
1.5 GB
512MB + swap size
4 GB
500 MB
7 GB
Depends on application and user requirements. It
may make sense to mount a separate file system at
1x - 2x memory size for most systems.
500 MB
Itanium EFI System (Boot) Partition
400 MB
Itanium HP Service Partition
In other words, you may want to put /home on a separate disk and separate volume group. This makes
future recovery and upgrade operations easier. By default, /home is created as a separate filesystem;
however, it is part of the root volume group.
14 Assessing your system and meeting system requirements