Overview: The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack (September 2009)

Table Of Contents
name = lunid
current = 0x0 (LUN # 0, Peripheral Addressing)
default =
saved =
The legacy hardware path format for SAS disks has the following format:
You can use the sasmgr command to correlate SAS addresses with legacy hardware paths, by using the lun
qualifier without the –N option. For example:
# sasmgr get_info -D /dev/sasd0 -q lun=all
LUN dsf Hardware Path SAS Address
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 0/2/1/ 0x5000c5000032b739
/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0 0/2/1/ 0x5000c5000032f04d
/dev/rdsk/c0t2d0 0/2/1/ 0x5000c5000032fe89
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0 0/2/1/ 0x500000e010f12f42
You can also use the ioscan –m hwpath command to convert a SAS lunpath hardware path to a legacy
hardware path, as follows:
# ioscan -m hwpath -H 0/2/1/0.0x500000e010f12f42.0x0
Lun H/W Path Lunpath H/W Path Legacy H/W Path
0/2/1/0.0x500000e010f12f42.0x0 0/2/1/