HP Instant Capacity Version 10.x User Guide (5900-1581, March 2011)

You can create multiple GiCAP groups that can be managed by the same Group Manager or by
different Group Manager systems. Systems with no any Instant Capacity components can be part
of a GiCAP group. Deactivating resources on these systems allows them to loan usage rights to
other members in the group.
Example 17 shows how to create a group and show group status.
Example 17 Creating a Group
> icapmanage -a -g one
Group one added.
> icapmanage -s
Software version: B.09.00
32 GiCAP Sharing Rights: 0 in use, 32 available
Group ID: one
Group Members:
No members found
Example 18 updates the grouping rules for all groups managed by the Group Manager, tests
whether a server complex has hardware compatible with group one, and adds a member called
“IT” to that group. When you first add new members to a group, you are prompted for the root
password for each specified host. The password is used only to establish secure communication
and is not saved or stored.
Example 18 Adding a Member to a Group
> icapmanage -i -U /tmp/GiCAP.rules
> icapmanage -T node.corp.com -g one
root@mypar.node.corp.coms password:
The server(s) are compatible with GiCAP group one
> icapmanage -a -m IT:node.corp.com -g one
Member IT added to group one.
Example 19 shows the output of the icapstatus command for a group member system.
76 Global Instant Capacity