HP Instant Capacity Version 10.x User Guide (5900-1581, March 2011)

Total number of configured cores: 16
Number of Intended Active cores: 11
Number of active cores: 11
Number of inactive cores: 5
Number of cores without usage rights: 5
Number of cores that could be activated with additional usage rights: 5
Number of cores that can be activated with temporary capacity: 5
Number of cores using temporary capacity: 0
Temporary capacity available: 5 days, 18 hours, 28 minutes(8308 minutes TiCAP )
Projected temporary capacity expiration: N/A
Temporary capacity warning period: 15 days
Generating snapshot
An audit snapshot is to be presented at the Utility Pricing Portal while purchasing usage rights for
iCAP resources. The audit snapshot is an encrypted representation of the iCAP resources on the
complex. This can be generated using the icapstatus command as shown below:
icapstatus s
Sample output:
# icapstatus -s
This audit snapshot string may be presented to the HP Portal or to WTEC in
order to establish the current iCAP state of the complex. The string is an
encrypted and signed representation of the global icapstatus information.
Product number: *****
Serial number: ******
Audit snapshot:
Setting usage rights for a partition
Self enforcement requires you to decide how many usage rights are to be assigned for a partition
and set it. You can use the icapmodify command for this purpose. The number of active cores
is set to the number specified as a command argument. You must run the command after you boot
to a partition for the first time and subsequently after resizing the partition:
icapmodify s <number of core usage rights>
Sample output:
# icapmodify -s 4
4 cores are intended to be active and are currently active.
Making a system non-icap
If rights for all the cores for a complex have been bought, then run the following command in all
the partitions of the complex to make the complex effectively non-icap
icapmodify s 0
Sample output:
# icapmodify -s 0
16 cores are intended to be active and are currently active.
Deactivating Cores
You must deactivate the cores in order to maintain compliance when usage rights are moved. You
can deactivate the cores until a minimum number required by the partition is reached:
icapmodify d <number of cores to deactivate>
IMPORTANT: In HP Integrity Superdome 2, an active partition must have a minimum of one active
core. This is unlike the previous generation of servers where a partition with x cell boards would
require a minimum of x core usage rights (one per cell board).
92 Using Instant Capacity on HP Integrity Superdome 2