Instant Capacity on Demand (iCOD) User's Guide for versions B.05.x

Offline Configuration and Activation of Processors
Operating in Offline Activation Mode
Appendix A110
Operating in Offline Activation Mode
This section outlines the basic steps to take when operating in offline
activation mode in several situations.
Most software applications work fine with the online activation method.
However, some applications erroneously regard inactive processors to be
active processors. These types of applications may exhibit functional or
performance problems. Offline (manual) activation may be necessary for
these types of applications. In offline activation mode, the deactivated
processors are converted to deconfigured processors. iCOD software can
activate processors that are deactivated (inactive). However, iCOD
software cannot activate processors that are deconfigured.
NOTE The iCOD software deactivates processors by use of the icod_modify
command. The boot console handler (BCH) deconfigures processors.
Deconfigured processors cannot be activated by iCOD software.
Converting Your System From the Default Online
Activation Mode to Offline Activation Mode
The following steps outline what needs to be done if you are converting
your system from the default online activation mode to offline activation
mode. Following this procedure ensures that the application never runs
in an environment where deactivated processors may exist. The changes
in system state information is consistent with a non-iCOD system and
does not affect application operation:
System state:
The system is booted
One or more processors are deactivated by iCOD software
Step 1. Reboot the system and stop the boot process at BCH
Step 2. At BCH, deconfigure the (iCOD) deactivated processors per configuration