Instant Capacity on Demand (iCOD) User's Guide for versions B.05.x

Understanding iCOD Requirements
iCOD System Move Requirements
Chapter 2 39
iCOD System Move Requirements
If you are planning to move your iCOD system from its current street
address you must notify HP for authorization before the system is
moved. A move within a building or site, that does not change the street
address, does not require notification to HP.
HP generally authorizes any change of address for an iCOD system as
long as the move does not involve crossing national borders.
Before moving the iCOD system, contact the HP iCOD administrator to
get an “iCOD Move Authorization Number.” HP has the right to refuse
authorization in certain situations. Allow for at least one week for HP to
process the authorization. To request authorization for the move, send
an e-mail message to the iCOD administrator at
and include the following information:
customer name
customer contact e-mail address
customer contact phone number
system serial number or Software ID of the system to be moved
date that the system will be moved
The iCOD administrator replies to the system contact, via e-mail, with
an authorization number for the specific system move. E-mail or some
other form of written authorization from HP must be received before
moving the iCOD system.