HP-UX Virtual Partitions Release Notes (A.04.04)

setboot Extraneous Output in stdout and stderr
Related JAG or Patch ID Number JAGaf41706 and JAGaf47668, PHCO_33044
Applicable on vPars A.04.xx on Integrity and vPars A.04.xx on PA
Description In a vPars environment, setboot may display extraneous output.
Symptoms setboot may display the following extraneous mpctl error message:
winona1# setboot
mpctl: Invalid argument
or the extraneous note:
winona1# setboot
Note: The interpretation of Autoboot and Autosearch has changed for
systems that support hardware partitions. Please refer to the manpage.
Workaround In a vPars environment, you may ignore both the mpctl error message as
well as the note. Patch PHCO_33044 will be released to correct the output.
System Activity Events Reported Through IPMI by EMS
Related JAG or Patch ID Number JAGaf62654
Applicable on vPars A.04.xx on Integrity and vPars A.04.xx on PA
Description In a vPars environment, system activity events are decoded and reported on
all virtual partitions. When examining any single virtual partition, this can be misleading -
it may appear that the events occurred on the virtual partition that reported the problem,
even if they did not.
Symptoms A virtual partition reports an event, similar to the following:
>------------ Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ------------<
Notification Time: Wed May 4 15:29:44 2005
winona2 sent Event Monitor notification information:
/system/events/ipmi_fpl/ipmi_fpl is >= 3.
Its current value is CRITICAL(5).
Event data from monitor:
Event Time..........: Wed May 4 15:29:44 2005
Severity............: CRITICAL
Monitor.............: fpl_em
Event #.............: 267
System..............: winona2
INIT initiated
Workaround In a vPars environment, when system events are reported via EMS (from
system firmware or from an OS instance), the system events are decoded and reported on
all virtual partitions. The OS instance that is shown as sending the event is not necessarily
indicative of the actual virtual partition that encountered the problem. The Reporting Entity
ID is the only clue to which virtual partition reported the problem. The output will be similar
to the following:
Reporting entity ID: 6 ( Cab 0 Cell 0 CPU 6 ) (possibly from one vPar)
Virtual Partition Does Not Boot After Root Mirror is Created
Related JAG or Patch ID Number JAGaf54464
Applicable on vPars A.04.xx on Integrity