HP-UX vPars and Integrity VM V6.3 Administrator Guide

-c indicates the creation of a vswitch.
-S vswitch-name specifies the name of the vswitch.
-n nic-id specifies the network interface on the VSP that the new vswitch uses. For example,
n 0 indicates lan0. Network interfaces are displayed by the nwmgr command. If you do
not include the -n option, a local vswitch is created, as described in Section
(page 115).
The hpvmnet command also allows you to view and manage the vswitches on the VSP.
Table 15 (page 113) lists the options that can be used with the hpvmnet command.
Table 15 Options to the hpvmnet command
Boots a vswitch. The vswitch must be booted before it can accept network
traffic. All vswitches are booted automatically when Integrity VM is started.
Creates a new vswitch.-c
Halts one or all vswitches. You must confirm this action.-h
Omits the confirmation dialog before halting, deleting, or rebooting the
vswitch. This option is intended for use by scripts and other non-interactive
applications (Force mode).
NOTE: The -F option is deprecated in Integrity VM commands. This
option must be used only if instructed by HP Support.
Deletes a virtual switch. You must confirm this action.-d
Specifies the network interface on the VSP that the new vswitch uses. For
example, to associate a vswitch to lan0, enter -n 0.
-n nic-id
Specifies the port number. To view information about all ports, enter p
-p n
Specifies the command function that must proceed without confirmation.
By default, the command requires confirmation, and does not proceed
without it.
Restarts the vswitch.-r
Specifies the vswitch by its number.-s vswitch_number
Specifies the vswitch by name. The vswitch name can be up to 64
characters and must be unique on the VSP.
-S vswitch_name
Configures the port portnum on the virtual switch so that it is isolated to
the VLAN specified by vlanid. For more information about VLAN, see
Section 8.4 (page 120).
-u portid:portnum:vlanid:[vlanid
| none]
Enables the list of VLAN ids on the list of ports. Specifying all allows you
to enable all VLANs at once.
Displays information about vswitches in verbose mode. If you specify the
vswitch using either the -S or -s options, network counters are included
in the display.
Disables the list of VLAN ids on the list of ports. Specifying all disables
all VLANs at once.
Used with the -A option, clears statistics after retrieving them.-Z
Displays verbose resource information in a machine-readable format.-M
Displays verbose resource information in XML format.-X
8.2 Creating virtual networks 113