HP-UX vPars and Integrity VM V6.3 Administrator Guide

# swremove HPSIM-HP-UX
HP-UX Virtual Partitions bundle v5.x or earlier:
# swlist -l bundle | grep VirtualPartition
If present, uninstall it:
# swremove VirtualPartition
To install the HP-UX vPars and Integrity VM software:
Mount the installation media, if you have it (for example, /depot/path). If you are installing
from the network, identify the VSP and path name that correspond to the software distribution depot
that contains the BB068AA and VirtualBase bundles (for example, my.server.example.com:/
If you are using the CLI:
Enter the following swinstall command including the path to the depot:
# swinstall -x autoreboot=true -s my.server.example.com:/depot/path
BB068AA VirtualBase
If you are using the GUI:
Set the shell variable, DISPLAY appropriately and invoke the swinstall command.
For example,
# export DISPLAY=my.client.example.com:0.0
# swinstall
Select the BB068AA bundle and the VirtualBase bundle from the list presented by the GUI.
NOTE: If you have purchased the Integrity VM Online Migration software, you can install it by
selecting the bundle T8718AC.
The VSP system reboots automatically after the installation is completed.
After installation, you will find the components in various locations, as listed in Table 6 (page 30).
Table 6 Components of VSP and their location
/opt/hpvmSoftware and man pages
/opt/hpvm/guest-images directoryVirtualBase software
/opt/hpvm/bin directoryCommands
/var/opt/hpvm directoryConfiguration and data files
You can now create vPar and VM guests using the hpvmcreate command.
NOTE: The guest configuration files are stored in the /var/opt/hpvm directory. The new
configuration files are not compatible with those of earlier versions of the product. So, if you are
upgrading to the current version, the guest configuration files (except the /ISO-Images/ directory)
are saved in the /var/opt/hpvm/backups directory. If you fallback to earlier version of the
product, you can use the backup configuration files to restore your VSP and guest configurations.
2.4 Verifying the installation of vPars and Integrity VM V6 product
To verify that the installation was successful:
Enter the hpvminfo command:
# hpvminfo
30 Installing HP-UX vPars and Integrity VM