Installing and Managing HP-UX Virtual Partitions (includes A.03.03)

CPU, Memory, and IO Resources
IO: Adding or Deleting LBAs (vPars A.04, A.03 and earlier)
Chapter 6
IO: Adding or Deleting LBAs
(vPars A.04, A.03 and earlier)
IO Syntax in Brief
the basic core syntax for adding or deleting IO resources is
-a|d io:hardware_path
a is adding
d is deleting
hardware_path is the hardware path of the IO
To add all hardware using the SBA/LBA hardware path of 1/2 to an existing partition winona2:
winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -a io:1.2
To remove all hardware with SBA/LBA 1/2 from partition winona2:
winona1# vparmodify -p winona2 -d io:1.2
NOTE The virtual partition must be in the down state to add or delete IO resources.