HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-1801, August 2011)

To create a virtual partition with 3 CPUs, set num to 3:
vparcreate -N nParID -p vParID -a cpu::3
vparcreate -p nparID:vParID -a cpu::3
With the vparmodify command, you can use:
-a option to add num CPUs to the virtual partition,
-d option to delete num CPUs from the virtual partition,
-m option to modify (set) to num the number of CPUs assigned to the partition.
If an existing partition has 2 CPUs and you want to set the number of CPUs to 3, modify the
number of CPUs assigned to the partition using the -m option and set num to 3:
vparmodify -N nPar0001 -p vPar0001 -m cpu::3
To set the number of CPUs back to two, use the -m option and set num to 2:
vparmodify -N nPar0001 -p vPar0001 -m cpu::2
If you want to add 1 CPU—core to an existing partition, regardless of its current CPU—core
count, you can add 1 CPU—core by using the -a option and setting num to 1:
vparmodify -N nPar0001 -p vPar0001 -a cpu::1
To remove the added CPU—core from the partition, use the -d option and set num to 1:
vparmodify -N nPar0001 -p vPar0001 -d cpu::1
CPU-core: Adding or Deleting by Socket Local Processor (SLP)
SLP is similar to the socket local memory (SLM), and refers to CPUs in a specific socket on a specific
blade. The syntax to specify SLP is:
-a, -d socket:socket_ID:cpu::num
-a is adding
-d is deleting
socket_ID is the path (enclosure#/blade#/socket#)
num is the number of CPU-cores from the socket to be added to or deleted from the
virtual partition. Note that the num CPU-cores must be available in the socket and
in the nPartition before they can be added. To verify the allocation of num
CPU-cores, use the vparstatus -A command when the nPartition is booted in
vPar mode.
82 Planning Your System for Virtual Partitions