Installation of non-default VxFS and VxVM software version on HP-UX 11i v3 March 2014 Operating Environment Update Release

Technical white paper | VxFS a n d Vx VM
# swremove –d B3929HB Base-VxFS-51 Base-VxTools-51 Base-VxVM-51 @ <destination
4. Create the configurat ion file f or t he HP-UX 11i v3 OE depot:
A. # cd /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31
B. # /opt/ignite/ bin/make_config \
-x allow_missing_content \
- s <depot_server>:<1131_OE_depot> \
- c <OE_config_filename>_cfg
C. Test the configuration file:
# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm –T –f <OE_config_filename>_cfg
Note that the option “-x allow_missing_content is needed asBase-Vx FS-51” is now aRequired” bundle and
this procedure is replacing theRequired VxFS bundle from the OE with a different version.
When such a configuration is created, the following warning messages are displayed:
WARNING: Required content: "Base-Vx FS -51" of OE: "HPUX11i-VSE-OE" was not found in the depot.
WARNING: Recommended content: "B3929HB" of OE: "HPUX11i-VSE-OE" was not found in the depot.
NOTE: Optional content: "Base-VxTools-5 1" of OE: "HPUX11 i-VS E-OE" was not found in the depot.
NOTE: Optional content: "Base-VxVM-51" of OE: "HPUX11i-VSE-OE" was not found in the depot.
These are expected as we are intentionally changing the version of VxFS in the Ignite-UX depot.
Create the configuration file for the Veritas depot that contains the 4.1, 5.0, or 5.0.1 software:
(Copy only one/same version of VxFS/VxVM into the depot. Do not use multiple versions VxFS/VxVM as such
depot can lead to unsupported configuration)
i. # cd /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31
ii. # /opt/ignite/bin/make_config \
- s <1131_Vx*41_50_501_depot> -c
iii. Test the configuration file:
# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm –T –f
Combine both configuration files into one Ignit e-UX INDEX configuration clause:
i. # vi / var/ opt/ ignite/INDEX
ii. Append a new configuration clause:
cfg “HP-UX B.11.31_Mar2014_OE-Vx41_50_501” {
description “B.11.31_Mar2014_OE-Vx41_50_501 – 2 depots”
iii. Test all the configuration files in the INDEX file:
# /opt/ignite/bin/instl_adm –T
If you plan to LAN boot the client, add its boot entry in the appropriate file on the server. This step is not
required if you plan to initiate the cold-install from the Ignite-UX server and the client is up.
A. For an Intel® Itanium®-based client:
i. # vi /etc/bootptab
ii. Upate the System-IPF entry with client_hostname and other relevant values.