HP-UX WBEM Fibre-Channel RecordLog Provider Datasheet, April 2010

"Other Device","I/O Adapter", "Network
Adapter", "Other Adapter","Processor
Power", "Memory Power", "System
Power","Primary Storage Device Power",
"Secondary Storage Power","Other
Storage Power", "Other Power", "Processor
Cooling","Memory Cooling", "System
Cooling","Primary Storage Device
Cooling","Secondary Storage Device
Cooling","Other Storage Device Cooling",
"Other Cooling""System HW Security",
"Primary Storage Device
Security","Secondary Storage Device
Security","Other Storage Device Security",
"Other HW Security""System Interconnect",
"Support Interconnect","Cluster
Interconnect", "Storage
Interconnect","Network Interconnect",
"Other Interconnect", "OS","System
Firmware", "Device Firmware", "Support
Firmware","System Firmware Security",
"OS Security","Software Application",
"Software Application Security"}
The type of device on the system
that reported the error.
uint16 DeviceID[]
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
The DeviceID
uint16 VendorID
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}
Values { "Unknown", "Other", "None",
"HP", "DEC", "Compaq", "Tandem"}
The vendor of the system that discovered
the error the error. This value is always set
to “3”.
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5",
"6", "7", "8", "9", "10"}
Values { "Unknown", "Other", "None",
"PDP11", "VAX", "MIPS", "Alpha", "x86-
32", "IPF", "PA-RISC", "x86-64" }
For PA RISC servers this property is set to
“9”. For HP Integrity servers this property is
set to “8”
uint16 LogIndex
Inherited from HP_OSErrorLogRecord
Log Index
along with RecordID uniquely
identifies the LogRecord within a Log. This
value can be set to “0” while requesting for
a particular record, along with the required
String RecordFormat
Inherited from CIM_RecordForLog
A string describing the d
ata structure of the
information in the property, RecordData. If
the RecordFormat string is RecordData
should be interpreted as a free-form string.
To describe the data structure of
RecordData, the RecordFormat string should
be constructed as follows: 
- The first
character is a delimiter character and is
used to parse the remained
r of the string into sub-strings. 
- Each
sub-string is separated by the delimiter
character and should be in the form of a
CIM property declaration (i.e., datatype
and property name). This set of
declarations may be used to interpret the
similarly delimited RecordData property.

For example, using a delimiter,
RecordFormat =*string ThisDay*uint32
ThisYear*dateti me SomeTime;may be used
to interpret: RecordData = *This is