HP-UX WBEM LAN Provider Datasheet, April 2010

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Name References description how association is used
Instances of this association exist for
each Ethernet LAN interface. They can
be used to associate an Ethernet port
with a corresponding LAN Endpoint.
Clients can use this association to
relate an Ethernet port to a particular
LAN interface.
indications generated by
this provider
This Provi
der does not currently generate any indications.
links to more information
Additional provider documentation
There is no documentation for this provider beyond this information.
See man pages for information on the various commands and system calls noted in the descriptions above.
WBEM information
For a CIM tutorial, go to http://www.dmtf.org/education and look for CIM Tutorial.
For information about HP WBEM Services for HP-UX, see http://docs.hp.com in Network and Systems Management.
Managed resource documentation
See RFC 1213, “MIB-II”. Also, see the HP-UX man pages for gethostent(3N), lan(7), nettl(1M) and other system calls referenced in
the descriptions above.
Client information
HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) is a consumer of this provider. HP SIM’s property page component will display LAN Provider properties.
See the HP SIM home page http://www.hp.com/go/hpsim for details.
Support contacts
The HP-UX LAN Provider is supported as part of HP-UX Networking.