HP-UX WBEM nPartition Provider release notes (5900-2231, March 2012 web release)

1 HP-UX nPartition provider release notes
This document discusses the most recent product information on HP-UX nPartition provider,
which is supported on HP-UX 11i v3 operating system.
Table 1 (page 4) lists the product versions for which the document is applicable.
Table 1 Documentation support for nPartition provider
VersionOperating System
B. 11i v3
This document addresses the following topics:
Announcement” (page 4)
“HP-UX WBEM nPartition provider (page 4)
“Installing HP-UX nPartition provider” (page 4)
“Known problems, workarounds and limitations (page 5)
“Software availability in native languages (page 5)
Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is an industry wide initiative to unify the management
of system, networks, and applications across multiple and diverse vendor environments. The WBEM
clients use the mass storage providers to gather information about various subsystems. The WBEM
standard enables the WBEM clients to subscribe to indications, and indication consumers to receive
indications on the occurrence of events of interest on the managed system.
HP-UX WBEM nPartition provider
HP-UX WBEM nPartition provider is used by WBEM client applications to retrieve nPartition
related information on partitionable systems. This product is used by Partition Manager and the
partition commands to configure and manage HP systems that support nPartitions. With this
component, partitionable systems can be managed both locally and remotely.
What's new in this release
There are no new enhancements and defect fixes in this release.
Installing HP-UX nPartition provider
The latest product depot is available for download on the OE media.
For more information on installing the product, see the product at the following location: http://
Hardware requirements
Currently, this product is supported on PA-RISC and Itanium based systems. Table 2 (page 4) lists
the platform support information for the nPartition provider.
Table 2 nPartition provider supported platform and OS requirement
Mode of DeliverySupported OSProduct NameProvider
ISUHP-UX 11i v1, HP-UX 11i v2, and HP-UX 11i v3nParProvidernPartition provider
4 HP-UX nPartition provider release notes