HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

HP-UX WLM Duration Management Toolkit and HP-UX WLM Toolkit for Base SAS Software
How do I use DMTK / SASTK?
Chapter 6116
Step 3. Define SLOs for each group
Moving to the slo structure in the WLM configuration file, we define
goals for each of the target applications. With duration management, the
goal is always to have the metric from wlmdurdc be greater than 0. First,
we set up an SLO for application1:
slo app1_slo {
pri = 1;
mincpu = 5;
maxcpu = 75;
entity = PRM group GroupA;
goal = metric app1_met > 0;
We follow that with application2’s SLO:
slo app2_slo {
pri = 1;
mincpu = 10;
maxcpu = 60;
entity = PRM group GroupB;
goal = metric app2_met > 0;
Step 4. Set up wlmdurdc invocations
With the slo structures in place, we need to get values for the metrics
app1_met and app2_met. These values come from wlmdurdc, which bases
its values on the data from the discovery commands. We get the metric
values through wlmdurdc invocations in tune structures (in the WLM
configuration) named for the metrics:
tune app1_met {
coll_argv = wlmrcvdc wlmdurdc discovery;
tune app2_met {
coll_argv = wlmrcvdc wlmdurdc discovery;
NOTE The discovery commands are launched using exec().