HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

HP-UX WLM Duration Management Toolkit and HP-UX WLM Toolkit for Base SAS Software
How do I use DMTK / SASTK?
Chapter 6126
set -A entry_fields `cat ${JOB_CONFIG_FILE} | \
awk -v active_entry=${active_procs[i]} \
‘$1~active_entry {print $0}’`
# Get the actual PID of the process
pid=`ps -R ${PRM_GROUP} | \
awk -v target=${active_procs[i]} \
‘$NF~target {print $1}’`
# Send the PID, profile value, and desired duration for the
# application:
echo “${pid} ${entry_fields[1]} ${entry_fields[2]}”
# We’ve done the job
exit 0
let j=j+1 ;
let i=i+1;
done ;
# Wait a bit before doing this again.
sleep 1