HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

HP-UX WLM Duration Management Toolkit and HP-UX WLM Toolkit for Base SAS Software
How do I use DMTK / SASTK?
Chapter 6138
# prm structure
# Create workload groups. We will be actively managing one workload,
# express_lane, and leaving the rest of the CPU resources to workload
# group OTHERS.
# Also, we need a method for getting marketing’s special processes
# into the express_lane group.
# See wlmconf(4) for complete HP-UX WLM configuration information.
prm {
groups = OTHERS : 1,
express_lane : 2;
# Create a user entry for each individual who is going to be running
# the application. The example below shows an entry for the user
# jdoe. If you have a netgroup for marketing, say “marketing_netgroup”,
# you can give everyone in the netgroup access to the express_lane
# group with the following users statement. User jdoe and members of
# this netgroup would then start the marketing processes in the
# express_lane workload group with the prmrun command:
# % prmrun -g express_lane <app_name> <app_arguments>
# users = jdoe : express_lane, +marketing_netgroup : express_lane;
# Line is commented out because the undefined user and netgroup would
# result in errors if this file were checked by wlmd.
# Set the wlm_interval value shorter than the default value of 60 (seconds)
# if the condition metric express_lane_procs_active needs to be updated
# more than once a minute. Here, the interval is set to 5 seconds. A
# shorter wlm_interval allows the SLO to react more quickly.
tune {
wlm_interval = 5;