HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

HP-UX WLM Oracle Database Toolkit: Providing Database Metrics to WLM
Audience for the ODBTK documentation
Chapter 224
Audience for the ODBTK documentation
This documentation is intended for database administrators and system
administrators who are charged with consolidating or managing
multiple applications, including database instances, onto a single server,
while ensuring that performance levels are maintained.
Why use Oracle database metrics with WLM?
The key benefit of using Oracle database metrics with WLM is that you
can use these metrics to manage the performance of your instances. You
specify SLOs for the instances based on the metrics.
For example, with these metrics you can:
Keep response times for your transactions below a given level by
setting response-time SLOs
Increase an instance’s available CPU resources (cores) when a
particular user connects to the instance
Increase an instance’s available cores when more than n users are
Increase an instance’s available cores when a particular job is active
Give an instance n CPU shares for each process in the instance
Give an instance n CPU shares for each user connection to the
For examples showing how to set up these types of SLOs, see the files
with names ending in “.wlm” in the directory