HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

Example WLM configuration files
Chapter 5 95
pri = 1;
entity = PRM group SAP;
mincpu = 100;
maxcpu = 300;
goal = usage _CPU;
File for separating entire SAP instances into different
This example configuration file, split_inst.wlm, demonstrates how WLM
can collect SAP instances within the same SAP system and separate
them into different workload groups, using WLM's process map
(procmap) feature. WLM allocates CPU resources based on workload
# Name:
# Version information:
#(C) Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
#$Revision: 1.3 $
# Caveats:
#DO NOT MODIFY this file in its /opt/wlm/toolkits/sap/config location!
#Make modifications to a copy and place that copy outside the
#/opt/wlm/ directory, as items below /opt/wlm will be replaced
#or modified by future HP-UX WLM product updates.
# Purpose:
#This example demonstrates WLM’s ability to separate SAP instances
#within the same SAP system and allocate CPU resources based on the
#workload’s usage. FSS workload groups are used, but PSET groups
#could be used as well. The process map (procmap) feature is used
#to move the different SAP instance processes to the appropriate
#workload groups.
# Dependencies:
#This example was designed to run with HP-UX WLM version A.03.01 or