Administrator's Guide

-m module[source] Read audit data from the source using the specified Audit
DPMS service module. The source is the pathname of a file
where to read the data. If the source is omitted, auditdp
reads the audit data from the standard input.
-n nevents Specify the number of events to display. If nevents is
positive, process only the first nevents events. If nevents
is negative, process only the last nevents events. If -n is
not specified, all events are processed.
-o options Specify the option (case insensitive) to be passed to the
Audit DPMS framework when reading from the source. To
specify more than one option, use -o multiple times, or set
option to a quoted string containing a list of options
separated by spaces.
-p [source] Read portable format audit data. The source is the
pathname of a file where to read the data. If the source
pathname is not absolute, the pathname is assumed to be
relative to the current directory. If the source is omitted,
auditdp reads the audit data from the standard input.
-r [source] Read HP-UX raw audit data that was collected by the HP-UX
auditing system (see audit(5)). The source specifies the
pathname to a file if the data was collected in compatibility
mode, or to a directory if the data was collected in regular
mode. If the source pathname is not absolute, the pathname
is assumed to be relative to the current directory.
-s filter_string Selectively process audit data based on the filter expression
specified in the filter_string.
For more information, see auditdp(1M)
9.8.1 Examples of Using the auditdp Command
The following examples show audit information displayed using the auditdp command:
Read raw data from audit_trail and write portable data to ./portable.
#auditdp -r /var/.audit/audit_trail -P portable
Read raw data and write data in the audisp display format to stdout (see
Section 9.9).
#auditdp -r /var/.audit/audit_trail
Read portable data and display only the last four events to stdout.
#auditdp -p portable -n -4
Read and then write portable data, saving only the login events.
9.8 Using the Audit Reporting Tools 185