Administrator's Guide

2. To change a systemwide default, edit the /etc/default/security file with a
text editor such as vi. Comments begin with a pound sign (#). Attributes are written
in attribute=value format.
For example, to set the systemwide minimum number of uppercase characters in a
password to two (2), enter the following values into /etc/default/security:
NOTE: Changes to systemwide security attributes do not take effect immediately.
Password attributes take effect the next time users change their passwords. Login attributes
take effect the next time users log in.
3.2.3 User Database Components
The user database feature of HP-UX SMSE includes files, commands, manpages, and
per-user attributes you can apply to specific users on your HP-UX system. All these elements
of the user database are described in the following sections. Configuration Files
Table 3-1 briefly describes the files you use with the user database.
Table 3-1 User Database Configuration Files
Stores most per-user information./var/adm/userdb Commands
Table 3-2 briefly describes the commands you can use to modify and administer entries
in the user database.
Table 3-2 User Database Commands
Changes attribute values configured in the user database.userdbset
Displays attribute values configured in the user database.userdbget
Verifies the integrity of the information in the user database.userdbck
Reports the status of local user accounts.userstat Attributes
The following security attributes are available for individual users:
3.2 Security Attributes and the User Database 63