HP CIFS Server Administrator Guide Version A.02.04.04 (5070-6710, October 2011)

Table 8 UNIX Permission Maps Windows 2000/XP Client Permissions
Permission Shown on Windows 2000/XP ClientsUNIX Permission
Advanced ViewBasic View
Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes,
Read Data, Read Permissions
Write Attributes Write Extended Attributes,
Append Data, Write Data, Read Permissions
Execute or Traverse Folder, Read Attributes,
Read Permissions
All Read Permissions as in the first cellRead and Executer-x
Execute or Traverse Folder
All Read Permissions as in the first cellRead, Writerw-
All Write Permissions as in the second cell
Full Control and All permission bits are tickedFull Controlrwx
NoneNo boxes are ticked---
NOTE: In the table above, the permissions labeled Advanced can be viewed from the ACL dialog
box by clicking on Advanced, then View/Edit.
For a file owner ACE, Take Ownership, Delete and Change permissions flags are shown. For a
file's owning group ACE, Take ownership permission flag is shown.
However, all permissions are ticked in both Windows ACE Advanced and Basic views if a file
permission is Full Control.
Setting Permissions from Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista Clients
The following table shows how each Windows 2000 and Windows XP client permission is mapped
to the UNIX permission when permissions are set from a client:
Table 9 Windows 2000 and Windows XP Permissions Maps UNIX Permissions
UNIX PermissionWindows 2000/XP
rwxFull Control
r-xRead and Execute
r--List Folder / Read Data (Advanced)
r--Read Attributes (Advanced)
r--Read Extended Attributes (Advanced)
r--Read Permissions (Advanced)
-w-Create Files / Write Data (Advanced)
-w-Create Folder / Append Data (Advanced)
-w-Write Attributes (Advanced)
-w-Write Extended Attributes (Advanced)
44 Managing HP-UX File Access Permissions from Windows NT/XP/2000