HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide (5900-1282, April 2011)

kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmin.log
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5lib.log
NOTE: You must configure the port number :88 after the node name specified for the kdc
entry in the [realms]section. Kerberos v5 uses the port number 88 for the KDC service.
For detailed information on how to configure the /etc/krb5.conf file, refer to the
krb5.conf(4) man page.
3. Run the following commands to verify Kerberos configuration
log in as root
kinit <user> (e.g. Administrator@myrealm.xyz.com) (add user and password to a Windows
ADS DC if necessary)
The possible errors during verification are as follows:
Pre-Authentication Failed means you have typed the password incorrectly.
Clock skew too great means the time on the HP-UX machine is not synchronized
with the Windows domain controller. Execute the date command to reset the date or set
TZ=GMT and try again.
You may see the warning message, kinit: KDC has no support for encryption
type while getting initial credentials. You must change your Administrator
password at least once from the original password that you used for Administrator when
installing your Windows 2000/2003 Domain.
Check the content of the /etc/krb5.conf file for syntax or content errors and ensure
that port :88 has been added to the kdc entry in the [Realms] section.
4. Use the following procedures to configure the HP CIFS Server:
For new installations, you can run /opt/samba/bin/samba_setup and choose ADS
Member Server.
For new installations, finish samba_setup commands and verify the following smb.conf
configuration items. samba_setup will then perform the "net ads join -U
Administrator%password" command to join the ADS domain for you.
workgroup = MYREALM # Domain Name
security = ADS
domain master = no
encrypt passwords = yes
password server = adsdc.myrealm.xyz.com
netbios name = MYSERVER
For existing installations, modify smb.conf configuration items as follows:
workgroup = MYREALM # Domain Name
security = ADS
domain master = no
encrypt passwords = yes
74 Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 Domains