HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide Version A.03.01.01 (5900-1282, May 2011)

Consider load balancing when creating the share paths.
Consider whether you need to locate your smbpasswd and private files on a shared
volume, etc. You may want to review "Special Notes for HA HP CIFS Server" found at
the end of this section, now. If you run SWAT or smbpasswd utilities, keep in mind that
they will be operating on smb.conf not your smb.conf.<package name>
configuration. You may want to copy smb.conf.<package name> to smb.conf for
this reason. Domain security configurations require 'net join' to run in order to join the
domain. Since this command updates the secrets.tdb file, you should perform this
step after smb.conf has been updated with the correct (possibly shared logical volume)
path to the private directory (configured with "smb passwd file" in smb.conf).
Make sure that the file name is in all lowercase letters (e.g.
/etc/opt/samba/smb.conf.pkg1, NOT /etc/opt/samba/smb.conf.PKG1). If capital
letters are used in the file name, failover will not work properly.
3. Move all relevant data to the HP CIFS Server package shared volume.
Relevant data, consisting of all directories and files which will be accessed using HP CIFS
Server, should reside on shared volumes. This data includes any shares created by the user.
For example, if the HP CIFS Server administrator creates a TEST=c:/tmp/test share,
then all the data from /tmp/test should reside on a shared logical volume.
Below is an example of copied data from the required HP CIFS Server directories to the logical
volumes in the volume group vg01. The same can be done for pkg2.
mkdir /tmp/share1 /tmp/share2
mount /dev/vg01/lvol1 /tmp/share1
mount /dev/vg01/lvol2 /tmp/share2
cp -r /your/data1/* /tmp/share1
cp -r /your/data2/* /tmp/share2
umount /tmp/share1
umount /tmp/share2
rm -rf /tmp/share1 /tmp/share2
4. Create a directory for HP CIFS Server cluster package:
mkdir /etc/cmcluster/samba/pkg1
5. Copy the sample scripts samba.conf, samba.cntl and samba.mon from /opt/samba/HA to
/etc/cmcluster/samba/pkg1 (or /etc/cmcluster/samba/pkg2) on the primary node. Make
all scripts writeable.
cp /opt/samba/HA/samba.* /etc/cmcluster/samba/pkg1
chmod 666 samba.conf samba.cntl samba.mon
6. Customize the sample scripts for your MC/ServiceGuard configuration. A sample customization
of the HA HP CIFS Server package configuration, control and monitor scripts are shown below.
7. Ensure that the control (samba.cntl) and monitor (samba.mon) scripts are executable.
chmod 750 samba.cntl samba.mon
Edit the package configuration file samba.conf
To configure the samba.conf configuration file, complete the following tasks below:
1. Set the PACKAGE_NAME variable.
Overview of HA HP CIFS Server 141