HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide Version A.03.01.02 (5900-1766, September 2011)

Table 14 Global Parameters (continued)
This string variable specifies the type of the idmap backend that is used. The
syntax can be:
idmap backend
idmap backend =
This is the default where the local idmap tdb file is used.
idmap backend = rid:<domain name>=<idmap_rid_range>
The ID mappings are generated by the idmap rid facility. For example, idmap
backend = rid:DomainA=5000060000.
idmap backend = ldap:ldap://<ldap server name>[:389]
The ID mapping data is stored in a common LDAP directory server backend.
For example, idmap backend = ldap:ldap://ldapserverA.hp.com.
This integer variable specifies the number of seconds the winbindd daemon
caches user and group information before querying a Windows NT server again.
The default value is 300.
winbind cache time
This boolean variable controls whether to enable or disable winbind caching
for the user or group list entries. When this parameter is set to Yes, the winbind
winbind cache ug list
daemon, winbindd, caches the user or group list entries into the winbindd
cache to reduce the HP CIFS Server response time while enumerating user or
group list. To disable winbind caching for the user or group list entries, set this
parameter to No. The default setting is Yes.
You can also use the winbindd -n command to disable winbind caching when
you start the winbind daemon, this means winbindd always has to wait a
response from the Windows domain controller before it can respond to a client.
Either the winbindd -n command or winbind cache ug list = No
configuration disables winbind caching for the user or group list entries.
This boolean variable specifies whether the winbindd daemon operates on
users without domain component in their username. Users without a domain
winbind use default domain
component are treated as a part of the winbindd server's own domain. The
default setting is No.
This string variable specifies the winbind users a home directory. For example,
template homedir = /home/%U
template homedir
This string variable specifies the winbind users a login shell. For example,
template shell = /shin/ksh.
template shell
This parameter specifies the seconds in time that the winbindd(8) daemon
needs to wait before contacting a Domain controller for a domain that is down.
The default value for this parameter is set to winbind reconnect delay = 30.
winbind reconnect delay
This parameter controls the maximum depth of winbindd traverse when flattening
nested group memberships of Windows domain groups. The winbind expand
winbind expand groups
groups parameter is different from the winbind expand groups, which
applies to the membership of the domain groups.
NOTE: Setting a high value for the winbind expand groups parameter
can cause the system to slow down and thewinbindd daemon cannot answer
incoming NSS or authentication requests.
The default value for this parameter is set to winbind expand groups = 1.
If the value is set to yes, this parameter forces winbindd to use RPC instead
of LDAP to retrieve information from Domain controllers. The default value for
this parameter is set to winbind rpc only = no.
winbind rpc only
Configuring HP CIFS Server with Winbind 105