HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide Version A.03.01.02 (5900-1766, September 2011)

Example: cfsdgadm activate dgha
Create volumn:
vxassist g <diskgroup name> make <volumn name> <size in MB>
vxassist -g dgha make lvol1 1024M
vxassist -g dgha make lvol2 2048M
newfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dgha/lvol1
newfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/dgha/lvol2
Add volumn:
cfsmntadm add <diskgroup name> <volumne> <mount point> all=rw
cfsmntadm add dgha lvol1 /cfs1 all=rw
cfsmntadm add dgha lvol2 /cfs2 all=rw
Mount CFS mount points:
cfsmount <mount point>
cfsmount /cfs1 /cfs2
If CIFS Server binaries are moved, note that CIFS Server depends on libraries including /opt/
samba/lib. Do the followings:
Use chatr (see man chatr) to move libraries
Copy binaries to /cfs1/opt/samba/bin, for example.
Define "CIFS_BIN" in samba.cntl and samba.mon SG script files.
Copy smb.conf to /cfs1/etc/opt/samba/smb.conf and define "CONF_FILE" in
SG script files.
Define "LOG_DIR", "SMBD_PID_FILE", and "NMBD_PID_FILE" in SG script files.
The smb.conf file can be:
secruity = user
lock directory = /cfs1/var/opt/samba/locks
pid directory = /cfs1/var/opt/samba/locks
private directory = /cfs1/var/opt/samba/private
smb passwd file = /cfs1/var/opt/samba/private/smbpasswd
path = /cfs2/data
browseable = yes
read only = no
Use of any CFS mount points should be declared as depencencies in the samba.conf file
to ensure that the resource is available before the package is started and to monitor the
resource's availability. See the following example of samba.conf.
The samba.conf file:
The samba.conf
# For /cfs1 dependency
# For /cfs2 dependency
Special Notes for HA HP CIFS Server 149