HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide Version A.03.01.02 (5900-1766, September 2011)

Figure 7 Windows Explorer Add Users and Groups Dialog Box
Select any name on the list that is labelled local UNIX group. Those groups are actually UNIX
groups on the Samba server.
Optionally, click the Show Users button and all the UNIX users on the Samba server will be
added to the list as well. You will always be able to add an ACE for the local Unix groups
and the users in this list.
Figure 8 Add UNIX Groups and Users
You can type user and group names into the Add Names text field to add users and groups.
If the names are valid UNIX group or user names, the users and groups will be added.
Optionally, add the Samba server name and a backslash to the beginning of the user or group
name and it will be added (for example, server1\users1). When you select names off the
38 Managing HP-UX File Access Permissions from Windows NT/XP/2000/Vista/Windows 7