HP CIFS Server Administrator's Guide Version A.03.01.04 (5900-2303), April 2012

security = user
workgroup = SAMBADOM #SAMBA Domain name
domain logon = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
2. Create the UNIX or POSIX account for a Windows Client:
Use the following command to create the POSIX account for a Windows client in the
/etc/passwd file if the passdb backend option is set to smbpasswd:
$ useradd -c NT_workstation -d /home/temp -s /bin/false client1$
As an example, the resulting entry in the /etc/passwd file for a client machine named
"client1" would be:
client1$:*:803:808:NT_Workstation: /home/temp:/bin/false
where 803 is a uid and 808 is the group id of a group called "machines." A uid or group
id can be any unique number. You may find that uid values 0 through 100 are considered
special, and/or server specific. This may, or may not apply to your system.
The machine account is the machine's name with a dollar sign character ("$") appended
to it. The home directory can be set to /home/temp. The shell field in the /etc/passwd
file is not used and can be set to /bin/false.
Use the following command to create the posixAccount entry for a Windows client in the
LDAP directory if the passdb backend option is set to ldapsam or ldapsam_compat:
$ /opt/ldapux/bin/ldapmodify a D cn=Directory Manager w
dmpasswd h ldaphostA f new.ldif $
Where LDIF update statements specified in the new.ldif file are added to the LDAP
directory server, ldaphostA. The following is an example of LDIF update statements in
the new.ldif file:
dn: uid=client1$ ou=People,dc=hp,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: account
objectclass: posixAccount
homeDirectory: /home/temp
loginShell: /bin/false
As an example, the resulting entry in the LDAP directory server for a client machine named
"client1" would be:
dn: uid=client1, ou=people,dc=hp,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixAccount
cn: client1$
sn: client1$
uid: client1$
uidNumber: 1002
gidNumber: 202
homeDirectory: /home/client1$
loginShell: /bin/false
userPassword: {crypt}x
pwdLastSet: 1076466300
logonTime: 0
logofftime: 2147483650
kickoffTime: 2147483650
pwdCanChange: 0
pwdMustChange: 2147483650
rid: 1206
primaryGroupID: 1041
62 Windows style domains