HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

12. Open the Configuration DS tab of the Administration Server Console and select Save.
A dialog will appear, stating:
The Directory Server setting has been modified. You must shut down and restart your
Administration Server and all the servers in the Server Group for the changes to take effect.
Click OK.
13. In the Tasks tab of the Administration Server Console, click Restart Admin Server. A dialog
opens reading that the Administration Server has been successfully restarted. Click Close.
You must close and reopen the Console before you can do anything else in the Console.
Refresh may not update the Console, and, if you try to do anything, you will get a warning
that reads:
Unable to contact LDAP server.
1.7 Creating a new Directory Server Instance
Additional instances can be created through the Directory Server Console or using the
setup-ds.pl script. For information on using the setup-ds.pl script, see the HP-UX Directory
Server installation guide. To create an instance using the Directory Server Console:
1. In the Console window, select Server Group in the navigation tree, then right-click.
2. From the pop-up menu, select Create Instance then Directory Server.
1.7 Creating a new Directory Server Instance 25