HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

The attribute-level effective rights (r, s, c, w, o) appear next to the attributes. The entry-level
rights (v, a, d, n) appear under the full DN for the entry in the lower left-hand corner of the
Property Editor.
If you check the Show all allowed attributes checkbox, then the effective rights for those attributes
appear next to the additional attributes, even though they do not have values.
6.7.4 Get effective rights return codes
If the criticality is set to false for a get effective rights search and an error occurs, the regular
entry information is returned, but, in place of rights for entryLevelRights and
attributeLevelRights, an error code is returned. This code can give information on the
configuration of the entry that was queried. summarizes the error codes and the potential
configuration information they can relay.
Table 30 Returned result codes
Successfully completed.0
Operation error.1
The critical extension is unavailable. If the criticality expression is set to true and effective rights
do not exist on the entry being queried, then this error is returned.
No such attribute. If an attribute is specifically queried for access rights but that attribute does not
exist in the schema, this error is returned.
Undefined attribute type.17
Invalid attribute syntax.21
Insufficient rights.50
6.7 Checking access rights on entries (get effective rights) 271