HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

Online consumer initialization begins immediately. To check the status of the online consumer
initialization, open the Summary tab in the Status box. If online consumer initialization is in progress,
the status shows that a replica is being initialized.
To update this window, right-click the replicated database icon in the navigation tree, and choose
Refresh Replication Agreements. When online consumer initialization finishes, the status changes
to reflect this.
For more information about monitoring replication and initialization status, see “Monitoring
replication status” (page 383).
8.10.3 Initializing consumers online using the command line
Online consumer initialization can be performed through the command line by adding the
nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh attribute to the replication agreement entry. This attribute is absent
by default, and it will be automatically deleted after the consumer initialization is complete.
1. Find the DN of the replication agreement on the supplier server that is for the consumer to be
initialized. For example:
ldapsearch -h supplier1.example.com -p 389 -D "
cn=directory manager"
-w secret -s sub
-b cn=config "(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)"
This command returns all the replication agreements configured on the supplier in LDIF format.
Get the DN of the replication agreement with the consumer to be initialized. This is the
replication agreement that will be edited.
2. Edit the replication agreement, and add the nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh attribute:
ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret -p 389 -h supplier1.example.com
dn: cn=ExampleAgreement,cn=replica,cn="dc=example,dc=com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsds5beginreplicarefresh
nsds5beginreplicarefresh: start
ldapmodify does not prompt for input; simply type in the LDIF statement, then click Enter
twice when the LDIF statement is complete. Close the ldapmodify utility by entering Ctrl-C.
To check the initialization status, perform an ldapsearch for the replication agreement entry.
ldapsearch -h hostname
-p port -D "cn=directory manager"
-w secret -s base
'cn=ExampleAgreement,cn=replica,cn="dc=example,dc=com", cn=mapping tree,
cn=config' '(objectclass=*)'
If the nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh attribute is present, the initialization is still in progress. If
the initialization is complete, then the attribute nsds5ReplicaLastInitStatus shows the
status. If the initialization was successful, the value of nsds5ReplicaLastInitStatus is Total
update succeeded. If the initialization was not successful, this attribute shows information about
the error; check the errors log for both the supplier and consumer for additional information.
The replication monitoring attributes are described in more detail in the HP-UX Directory Server
configuration, command, and file reference.
8.10.4 Manual consumer initialization using the command line
Manual consumer initialization using the command line is the fastest method of consumer
initialization for sites that are replicating very large numbers of entries. However, the manual
consumer initialization process is more complex than the online consumer initialization process.
HP suggests using the manual process whenever the online process is inappropriate due to
performance concerns.
Initializing or reinitializing a server manually has three steps:
8.10 Initializing consumers 373