HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

10.7.2 Reloading schema using ldapmodify
The schema-reload.pl script creates a special task entry in a Directory Server instance that
reloads schema files; it is also possible to reload schema by creating the task entry directly. Task
entries occur under the cn=tasks configuration entry in the dse.ldif file, so it is also possible
to initiate a task by adding the entry using ldapmodify. As soon as the task is complete, the
entry is removed from the directory.
To initiate a schema reload task, add an entry under the cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks,
cn=config entry. The only required attribute is the cn for the specific task.
ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret
dn: cn=example schema reload,cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config
cn:example schema reload
The default schema directory from which the Directory Server instance reloads the schema is in
/etc/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema; it is possible to specify a different
schema directory using the schemadir attribute, which is analogous to the -d option with
ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret
dn: cn=example schema reload,cn=schema reload task, cn=tasks, cn=config
cn:example schema reload
schemadir: /home/schema
All the schema is reloaded with the schema reload task, not just the newest schema or modified
schema. This means that whatever directory is specified should contain the full schema for the
Directory Server, or the Directory Server instance may have serious performance problems.
As soon as the task is completed, the entry is deleted from the dse.ldif configuration. This
enables reuse of the same task entry continually.
The cn=schema reload task configuration is described in more detail in the HP-UX Directory
Server configuration, command, and file reference.
10.7.3 Reloading schema with replication
The schema reload task is a local operation, so schema changes are not replicated in a multi-master
environment if the schema is added to one supplier but not to the others. To load the new schema
files on all the supplier servers:
1. Stop replication.
2. Copy the new schema file over and run the schema reload task for every supplier and replica
3. Restart replication.
10.7.4 Schema reload errors
When the schema reload task runs, the command prompt only shows that the task is initiated.
adding new entry cn=schema reload task 1, cn=schema reload task,
cn=tasks, cn=config
However, the task does not return whether it completed successfully. To verify the schema reload
operation was successful, check the errors log. The schema reload has two tasks, first validating
the schema file, then loading it.
A success message shows that the validation passed and the task finished.
[06/Jan/2009:17:52:04 -0500] schemareload - Schema reload task starts
(schema dir: default)
444 Managing the Directory Schema