HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

The search, if the changesOnly setting is false (0), will return every matching entry in the directory,
as with a normal ldapsearch. Then, as entries are modified, the persistent search returns the
newly updated entry with, optionally, the type of operation which updated it (changeType).
version: 1
dn: uid=scarter,ou=People, dc=example, dc=com
persistentSearch-changetype: modify
title: manager
mail: scarter@example.com
description: test
uid: scarter
givenName: scott
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
sn: carter
cn: scott carter
In the access logs, a persistent search is identifies with the tag options=persistent.
[12/Jan/2009:12:51:54 -0500] conn=19636710736396323 op=0 SRCH
base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=person)" attrs=ALL
B.5 Searching an internationalized directory
When performing search operations, the Directory Server can sort the results based on any language
for which the server has a supporting collation order. For a listing of the collation orders supported
by the directory, see “Identifying supported locales” (page 574).
An LDAPv3 search is required to perform internationalized searches. Therefore, do not specify the
-V2 option on the call for ldapsearch.
This section focuses on the matching rule filter portion of the ldapsearch syntax. For more
information on general ldapsearch syntax, see “LDAP search filters” (page 560).
This section covers the following topics:
“Matching rule filter syntax” (page 564)
“Supported search types” (page 566)
“International search examples” (page 567)
B.5.1 Matching rule filter syntax
A matching rule provides special guidelines for how the directory compares strings during a search
operation. In an international search, the matching rule tells the system what collation order and
operator to use when performing the search operation. For example, a matching rule in an
international search might tell the server to search for attribute values that come at or after llama
in the Spanish collation order. The syntax of the matching rule filter is as follows:
attr is an attribute belonging to entries being searched, such as cn or mail.
matchingRule is a string that identifies either the collation order or the collation order and
a relational operator, depending on the preferred format. For a discussion of matching rule
formats, see “Matching rule formats” (page 565).
value is either the attribute value to search for or a relational operator plus the attribute value
to search for. The syntax of the value portion of the filter depends on the matching rule format
564 Finding Directory Entries