HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

B.5.3.5 Greater-than example
Performing a locale-specific search using the greater-than operator (>), or suffix (.5) searches for
all attribute values that come at or before the given attribute in a specific collation order.
For example, to search for all mail hosts that come after host schranka4 in the Czechoslovakian
collation order, any of the following matching rule filters would work:
mailHost:2.16.840.1.113730.> schranka4
mailHost:cs:=> schranka4
B.5.3.6 Substring example
Performing an international substring search searches for all values that match the given pattern
in the specified collation order.
For example, to search for all user IDs that end in ming in the Chinese collation order, any of the
following matching rule filters would work:
uid:2.16.840.1.113730.* *ming
uid:zh:=* *ming
uid:2.16.840.1.113730.* *ming
uid:zh.6:=* *ming
Substring search filters that use DN-valued attributes, such as modifiersName or memberOf, do
not always match entries correctly if the filter contains one or more space characters.
To work around this problem, use the entire DN in the filter instead of a substring, or ensure that
the DN substring in the filter begins at an RDN boundary; that is, make sure it starts with the type=
part of the DN. For example, this filter should not be used:
(memberof=*Domain Administrators*)
But either one of these will work correctly:
(memberof=cn=Domain Administrators*)
(memberof=cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)
B.6 Support dereferencing control
Dereferencing control collects additional information related to cross-links present in entries returned
as part of search responses. This control is appropriate only for search operations. Dereferencing
simplifies and reduces the number of search operations performed. Cross-links show relationships
between entries. There are operations that may result in getting a list of cross-links from one entry
and then performing a series of subsequent searches to get information from each entry on the list.
This is consolidated into a single search through dereferencing.
-E 'deref=deref_attribute:list_of_attributes'
deref_attribute is the reference attribute in the target.
list_of_attributes is one or more comma separated attributes in the referenced entry, returned
along with the primary search results.
568 Finding Directory Entries