Dynamic Root Disk Frequently Asked Questions (766143-001, March 2014)

DRD does utilize fbackup and frecover, however, we have not encountered a problem
with busy files. While frecover can fail to overwrite busy files, this is not a problem in
DRD because it is cloning a fresh volume group. fbackup can fail if files are changing
during the fbackup operation, but this is more common with spool files and log files. If
you are concerned, use the drd runcmd swverify \* command to check the integrity of
the clone after it is created.
3-7. Q:
What happens with the configuration scripts if I install patch A and later install
patch B, which then supersedes patch A?
If you install both Patch A and Patch B before booting, only Patch B is configured. This
should not present a problem unless you later remove patch B with swremove, thereby
exposing Patch A in an unconfigured state. You would then need to swconfig or
reinstall Patch A.
3-8. Q:
If I use the IgniteUX server; is it aware of the DRD clone?
The Ignite server will only be aware of the clone if it is mounted during a
make_*_recovery operation. Most customers will probably prefer to keep the clone
unmounted so that only the active system image is archived by Ignite. In addition, the
customer will probably want to keep a record of the clone hardware path to enable Hot
Recovery using DRD.