Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX Version 6.10 Administration Guide (5900-1418, March 2011)

Table 20 Horde Settings (continued)
Enter the umask value (octal value) to run as. This affects the permissions of temporary
files created.
Enter this value to override the system default and PHP's upload_tmp_dir value,
set either in the php.ini configuration or php_value directive in httpd.conf,
for the temporary directory. Session information and temporary attachment files are
stored there.
Temporary directory
Click the cache driver to use. A value of none disables the Horde cache.Enable cache
If using a cache, then enter the directory to use to store cached objects.Cache directory
Click the mailer type to send mail. Valid options are sendmail or smtp.Mailer type
If using sendmail, enter the path to sendmail (for example, /usr/bin/sendmail).
If using smtp, enter the smtp server (for example,
Mailer location
If selected, a user's browser can cache the generated stylesheets. This can speed
execution and download time but requires the user to manually refresh to see any
style changes you make.
Let browser cache stylesheet
Managing Turba Settings
The Turba Settings form Figure 37) allows you to enable Turba and configure database parameters
to access user's addressbooks. To modify these settings, choose Turba Settings from the IMP
Webmail Administration menu. You will be presented with the fields described in Table 21.
To modify the Turba settings, follow these steps:
1. From the IMP Webmail Administration menu, choose Turba Settings.
The Turba Settings form is displayed (Figure 37).
150 Mail Access Administration