mailx.1 (2010 09)

mailx(1) mailx(1)
˜A Insert the autograph string Sign into the message (see the Environment Variables
˜a Insert the autograph string sign into the message (see the Environment Variables
˜b name ... Add name to the blind carbon copy (Bcc) list.
˜c name ... Add name to the carbon copy (Cc) list.
˜d Read in the dead.letter file. See
DEAD (in the Environment Variables subsec-
tion) for a description of this file.
˜e Invoke the editor on the partial message. Also see the
EDITOR environment vari-
able description below.
˜f [msglist] Forward the specified messages. The messages are inserted into the message
without alteration.
˜h Prompt for Subject line and To, Cc, and Bcc lists. If the field is displayed with an
initial value, it can be edited as if you had just typed it.
˜i string Insert the value of the named variable into the text of the message. For example,
~A is equivalent to ˜i Sign
˜m [msglist] Insert the specified messages into the letter, shifting the new text to the right one
tab stop. Valid only when sending a message while reading mail.
˜p Print the message being entered.
˜q Quit (terminate) input mode by simulating an interrupt. If the body of the message
is not null, the partial message is saved in dead.letter. See the description of
the DEAD environment variable below for a description of this file.
˜R name ... Add name to the Reply-To list.
˜r filename
˜< filename
˜<!command Read in the specified file. If the argument begins with an exclamation point (
!), the
rest of the string is assumed to be an arbitrary shell command and is executed, with
the standard output inserted into the message.
˜s string ... Set the subject line to string .
˜t name ... Add the given names to the To list.
˜v Invoke a preferred screen editor on the partial message. Also see the VISUAL
environment variable description below.
˜w filename Write the partial message onto the given file, without the header.
˜x Exit as with ˜q except the message is not saved in dead.letter .
˜| command Pipe the body of the message through the given command.Ifcommand returns a
successful exit status, the output of the command replaces the message.
Environment Variables
The following variables are internal
mailx program variables. They can be imported from the execution
environment or set by the set command at any time. The unset command can be used to erase vari-
allnet All network names whose login names match are treated as identical. This causes
the msglist message specifications to behave similarly. Default is noallnet. See
also the alternates command and the metoo variable.
append Upon termination, append messages to the end of the mbox file instead of inserting
them at the beginning of the file. Default is noappend.
askbcc Prompt for the Bcc list after the message is entered. Default is noaskbcc.
askcc Prompt for the Cc list after the message is entered. Default is noaskcc.
asksub Prompt for a subject if it is not specified on the command line with the -s option.
Enabled by default.
8 Hewlett-Packard Company 8 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010