pax.1 (2011 09)

pax(1) pax(1)
c_mode Contains the file type and access permissions.
c_uid Contains the user ID of the owner of the file.
c_gid Contains the group ID of the group owner of the file.
c_nlink Contains the number links of the file.
c_rdev Contains information for character or block special files.
c_mtime Contains the latest time of modification of the file at the time the archive was created.
Contains the length of the pathname, including the terminating NULL character.
Contains the length of the file in bytes. This shall be the length of the data section following
the header structure.
ustar Interchange Format
ustar archive tape or file shall contain a series of logical records. Each logical record shall be a
fixed-size logical record of 512 bytes. Each file archived shall be represented by a header logical record
that describes the file, followed by zero or more logical records that give the contents of the file. At the
end of the archive file there shall be two 512-octet logical records filled with binary zeros, interpreted as
an end-of-archive indicator. The header logical record shall contain the following fields:
The name and the prefix fields shall produce the pathname of the file. A new pathname shall
be formed, if prefix is not an empty string (its first character is not NULL), by concatenating
prefix (up to the first NULL character), a slash character, and name; otherwise, name is
used alone. In this manner, pathnames up to 256 characters can be supported. If a path-
name does not fit in the space provided, pax shall notify the user of the error, and shall not
store any part of the file-header or data on the medium.
mode The mode field provides 12 bits encoded in the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard octal digit
representation to encode the permissions.
uid,gid The user and group ID of the owner and group of the file, respectively. If
uid or gid is
greater than 2097151, a value of -1 will be stored in the respective field of the
header. If the corresponding name (user name for uid and group name for gid) also could not
be stored in the archive,
pax shall notify the user of the error but shall include the other
attributes of the file and its data on the medium.
The names of the owner and group of the file, respectively. If the user or group name is
longer than 31 characters, it will not be stored in the respective field of the ustar
pax shall notify the user of the error but shall include the other attributes of the file and its
data on the medium.
size The size of the file in bytes. If the size of the files is greater than or equal to 8GB, pax shall
notify the user of the error, and shall not store any part of the file-header or data on the
mtime The modification time of the file at the time it was archived.
typeflag Specifies the type of file archived. All of the typeflag fields shall be coded in the ISO/IEC
646:1991 standard IRV
0 Represents a regular file.
1 Represents a le linked to another file, of any type, previously archived. The linked-to
name is specified in the linkname field with a NULL-character terminator if it is less
than 100 bytes in length.
2 Represents a symbolic link. The contents of the symbolic link shall be stored in the
linkname field.
3,4 Represents character special files and block special files respectively.
5 Specifies a directory or subdirectory.
6 Specifies a FIFO special file. Note that the archiving of a FIFO file archives the
existence of this file and not its contents.
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2011 9 Hewlett-Packard Company 9