pvchange.1m (2010 09)

pvchange(1M) pvchange(1M)
a single path causes LVM to close the device for that one path and to stop
using it. If the path is the primary path to the device, LVM will begin
using the best alternate path to the device that is available. When the
only path to a device is detached, the associated physical volume will be
unavailable to the volume group. The path remains part of the volume
group but no I/O is queued to it and the path will remain unused by LVM
until it is reattached. LVM will only stop using the physical volume
when all the paths to the physical volume are detached. Individually
detaching all the paths to a physical volume has the same consequences
as detaching the physical volume entirely using the
-a N option. The
system administrator may safely diagnose or replace hardware along the
path detached, but care should be taken to avoid accessing the physical
volume if it is still being accessed by LVM via other active paths to it.
N Detach the given path and all other paths to the physical volume. The
system administrator should always presume that all the disks that
belong to an active volume group are attached and may be used by LVM
at any time, unless LVM has been specifically notified to detach them.
Prior to replacing or repairing any disk belonging to an active volume
group, the administrator must first detach the physical volume using this
When a physical volume is detached, LVM closes all the paths to the phy-
sical volume and no longer directs any I/O operations to it. If a suitable
spare physical volume is available in the volume group, LVM will use it
to reconstruct the detached disk. The given path must be an attached
path to the physical volume; otherwise, the command will fail and
display an error message indicating the problem.
If for any reason the use of the
-a N option fails, the physical volume
can still be detached from the volume group by individually detaching
each of the paths to the physical volume using the -a n option instead.
-s (See WARNINGS section). Immediately begin accessing the associated physi-
cal volume named by pv_path .
-S autoswitch (See WARNINGS section). This option specifies the autoswitch behavior for
multiported physical volumes accessed through multiple paths. It has no
effect for physical volumes without alternate paths. autoswitch can have one
of the following values:
y LVM is directed to automatically switch from the path it is using when-
ever a better path to the physical volume is available. LVM will switch
paths when a better path recovers (after it had failed earlier), or if the
current path fails and another path is available. This is the default.
n LVM is directed to automatically switch to using the best available path
only when the path currently in use is unavailable. LVM will continue
using a specific path for the physical volume as long as it works, regard-
less of whether another better path recovers from a failure.
-x extensibility Set the allocation permission to add physical extents to the physical volume
pv_path . extensibility can have one of the following values:
y Allow allocation of additional physical extents on the physical volume.
This is the default.
n Prohibit allocation of additional physical extents on the physical volume.
However, logical volumes residing on the physical volume are accessible.
-t IO_timeout Set the I/O timeout value for the physical volume, to the number of seconds
indicated. An I/O timeout value of zero (0) causes the system to use the
default value supplied by the device driver associated with the physical device.
I/O timeout value is used by the device driver to determine how long to wait
for disk transactions to complete before concluding that an I/O request can not
be completed (and the device is offline or unavailable).
2 Hewlett-Packard Company 2 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010