HP-UX SNAplus2 R7 Administration Guide

Managing SNAplus2 Client/Server Systems
Managing Win32 clients
The Internal_tracing subkey species options for tracing the internal operation of the client. For more
information about tracing, refer to HP-UX SNAplus2 Diagnostics Guide. The tracing options are specied as
The Registry data type of this value is REG_SZ.
The full path name of the trace le, or of the rst trace le if tracing is to two les (see the description of
the le2 parameter).
This parameter is required if you want to enable internal tracing; you also need to set the
trace_level parameter.
The Registry data type of this value is REG_SZ.
The full path name of the second trace le. This parameter is optional; to indicate that tracing is to one le
instead of two les, do not include this line.
If both le1 and le2 are specied, tracing is to two les. When the rst le reaches the size specied by
the ip_size parameter, the second le is cleared, and tracing continues to the second le. When this le
then reaches the size specied by ip_size, the rst le is cleared, and tracing continues to the rst le. This
ensures that tracing can continue for long periods without using excessive disk space; the maximum space
required is approximately twice the value of the ip_size parameter.
The Registry data type of this value is REG_DWORD.
The maximum size of the trace le. If two le names are specied, tracing switches between the two les
when the current le reaches this size. If only one le name is specied, this parameter is ignored; the le
size is not limited.
This parameter is optional. If it is not specied, the default is 1000000 (bytes).
The Registry data type of this value is REG_DWORD.
The level of detail included in the trace. The range of valid values is from 0 (all tracing) to 20 (no tracing).
This parameter is optional. If it is not specied, the default is 20 (no tracing).
The Registry data type of this value is REG_SZ.
If this parameter is set to YES, each trace statement is ushed to disk immediately. This slows operation
considerably, but ensures that trace data is not lost if a crash occurs.
This parameter is optional. If it is not specied, the default is NO.
The Appl_Name subkey species options for a CPI-C application.
These options can be specied either in environment variables or in the registry. SNAplus2
checks the environment variable rst, and uses this information if it is specied; it uses
the registry entry only if the environment variable is not specied. You may need to use
environment variables if you are using Windows Terminal Server and need to run multiple
copies of the same application using different local LUs.