HP-UX SNAplus2 RJE User's Guide

SNAplus2 RJE Workstation Configuration
Text File Format
Chapter 6138
standard setup you do not need to specify every parameter in a record.
(However, you may prefer to specify parameters explicitly, to make it
easier to check the values that are being used.)
The individual parameter descriptions later in this chapter include
information on default values where applicable. If no default value is
shown for a parameter, you must specify it explicitly.
Blank Space
Embedded space characters are valid within the logon_text parameter
in the define_workstation_options record, but not within any other
parameter value. For example, the character string FORM001 is a valid
value for a forms control buffer name, but FORM 01 is not.
All blank spaces before or after descriptors, parameter names, or
parameter values (that is, any combination of spaces and tabs) are
ignored. Completely blank lines are also ignored. You may prefer to add
blank lines between records to make the file more readable, but this is
not required.