HP-UX SNAplus2 RJE User's Guide

SNAplus2 RJE Commands
Chapter 4 93
If the shell command returns a non-zero status, the
snaprjesend command will terminate, and the job
will not be submitted. This error can be overridden
with the -y option.
Print the contents of message on stdout.
Ignore this line.
NOTE You must type in commands with the exact spacing shown in this list.
Control Line Examples
The following examples show how you might use control lines with the
snaprjesend command.
Example 1
To send a binary file to an SNA host computer with one snaprjesend
command that needs to include JCL statements as well as the file name,
you would do the following:
Create a new file that consists of a series of control lines to include
the different input source files within the job.
Set options within the control lines so that the JCL statements are
translated from ASCII to EBCDIC, but the binary data file is not
If you have the following files:
JCL commands that must be translated from ASCII to
a file of binary data that must not be translated from