HP-UX Software Assistant Administration Guide (December 2011)

The Actions Summary Report begins with the Assessment Profile. The exact catalog and inventory
files used in the analysis are identified. Detailed analysis information follows.
Software Assistant
Actions Summary Report
Catalog Information
Catalog File: $HOME/.swa/cache/swa_catalog.xml
Catalog Date: dd month year hh:mm:ss
Inventory Source
Name: systemname
OS: HP-UX B.11.xx
Model: model info
Inventory File: $HOME/.swa/cache/swa_inventory_n.xml
Inventory Date: dd month year hh:mm:ss
Analysis Information
Analysis File: $HOME/.swa/cache/swa_analysis.xml
Analysis Date: dd month year hh:mm:ss
Ignore File(s): $HOME/.swa/ignore
Issues Ignored: n
Selected Analyzers
QPK: latest Quality Pack patch bundle
SEC: security bulletins
PCW: patches with critical warnings
The analysis depends on the Selected Analyzers. Default analyzers are quality pack (QPK), security
(SEC), and critical patch warnings (PCW) because these watch HP's default patch and bulletin
recommended actions. You can specify the analyzers used with the -a option on the command
line, or by using the analyzers extended option. See swa-report(1M) for more information.
The report then goes on to report the recommended actions.
Review recommended actions
Manual actions require direct administrator response and are not managed by SWA. These include:
Product (non-patch) updates.
Product removal.
Manually updated files.
Other manual actions, such as direct file system changes.
Manual actions that result in the installation or removal of software might cause changes to the list
of recommended patches. After resolving the product changes identified as manual actions, it is
recommended a new analysis is run to create the most accurate patch recommendations.
Download patches and make a depot
Issue the following command:
# swa get -t target_depot -X <my_conf_file>
You are required to specify the depot. By default, a new depot is created.
NOTE: The swa get command requires superuser privileges. See swa-get(1M) for more
The swa get command uses the analysis file created by swa report to determine what software
to download from HP.
12 Quick Start