HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration Version A.03.50

The P2V assistant only migrates applications that have software depot (SD) packages. Applications
that are not SD-compliant cannot be migrated with the P2V assistant.
10.4.2 Using the p2vassist Utility
The p2vassist utility is structured as a tree of menus, each of which can execute a function or
give access to a deeper level menu. For example, enter the p2vassist command on the VM
Host system:
# p2vassist
P2V Assistant Manager
1 ) General Configurations
2 ) Manage Applications
3 ) Manage O.S. Images
0 ) Exit
1 - General Configurations
1 ) Set Source Depot
0 ) Return
2 - Manage Applications
1 ) List Applications
2 ) Select Applications
3 ) Add Data Directories/Files
4 ) Consolidate Applications
0 ) Return
3 - Manage O.S. Images
Function not implemented yet
To migrate a workload, follow these steps:
1. Set the location of the depots to use in installing the application. Select menu 1, option 1 and
enter either the fully qualified depot path, in the form accepted by the SD products, or as
local directory. The location must be a registered depot source. For example, to specify
depsrv.hp.com:/release/1123.0706/ic054, enter the location on the screen:
P2V Assistant Manager
1 ) General Configurations
2 ) Manage Applications
3 ) Manage O.S. Images
0 ) Exit
Enter Option Number: 1
General Configurations
1 ) Set Source Depot
0 ) Return
Enter Option Number: 1
In this option you can set the location of the depots
of the application to be installed on the target system.
It can be a hostname or a local directory.
148 Migrating Virtual Machines