HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-2064, November 2011)

The interfaces include the _CS_PARTITION_IDENT and _CS_MACHINE_IDENT parameters:
For a nPartition-specific or a virtual partition-specific unique ID, use this command:
/usr/bin/getconf _CS_PARTITION_IDENT
The unique partition identifier value for a virtual partition environment has virtual
partition-specific data added that does not appear for an equivalent non-vPars environment.
See the examples that follow.
For a complex-specific unique ID use this command:
/usr/bin/getconf _CS_MACHINE_IDENT
Example 1 Determining if an OS instance is running on Superdome 2 hardware
Example 1 illustrates how the 'model' and 'getconf' commands can be used to determine whether
an OS is running on Superdome 2 hardware.
# /usr/bin/getconf MACHINE_MODEL
ia64 hp Superdome2 16s
# /usr/bin/model
ia64 hp Superdome2 16s
In both the examples, the presence of “Superdome 2” in the output string indicates that the nPartition
or virtual partition is running on a Superdome 2 complex.
Example 2 Unique IDs for an nPartition and Complex
Example 2 shows the nPartition-unique and complex-unique IDs returned by the getconf command,
and the local nPartition number and machine serial number.
# parstatus -w
The local partition number is 1.
# /usr/bin/getconf _CS_PARTITION_IDENT
# /usr/bin/getconf _CS_MACHINE_IDENT
# /usr/bin/getconf _CS_MACHINE_SERIAL
Example 3 Unique IDs for Virtual Partitions (vPars)
Example 3 shows the virtual partition unique ID returned by the getconf command, the local
nPartition number, and the current virtual partition name.
# parstatus -w
The local partition number is 0.
# vparstatus -w
The current virtual partition is Shad.
For more information on virtual partitions, see “Installing or Removing the vPars product from the
OS” (page 115).
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